Page 62 - Constitution
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70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                  f institutions enable reforms, then, today, India’s edifice            If institutions enable reforms,
                  behind  all  institutions  is  the  Constitution.  Everything
                  else is a derivative. The Constituent Assembly                         then, today, India’s edifice behind

              Iadopted  the  Constitution  on  26th  November  1949                      all institutions is the Constitution.
               and it entered into force on 26th January 1950. There                     Everything else is a derivative
               was  a Constitution  in 1950 and there have been 103
               amendments.  Constitutional  amendments  are  important
                                                                                     is a living document.
               reflections  of  reforms.  Participating  in  the  Constituent
                                                                                        “We,  the  People  of  India”,  gave  ourselves  this
               Assembly  Debates  on 8th  November  1948,  Jawaharlal
                                                                                     Constitution.  Through  Parliament,  with  ratification  by
               Nehru said, “One is this: that while we, who are assembled
                                                                                     State Legislatures when needed, we should have the right
               in this House, undoubtedly represent the people of India,
                                                                                     to amend it, as and when circumstances change. Indeed,
               nevertheless I think it can be said, and truthfully, that when
                                                                                     today’s Constitution is not the one adopted in 1950. And one
               a new House, by whatever name it goes, is elected in
                                                                                     may argue that Amendments 1, 4, 7, 17, 24, 25, 26, 29, 34,
               terms of this Constitution, and every adult in India has the
                                                                                     40, 42, 52, 61, 73, 74, 76, 80, 86, 91 and 101 were major.
               right to vote - man and woman - the House that emerges
                                                                                     Schedule 9, chipping away at property rights, freedom
               then will certainly be fully representative of every section
                                                                                     of  speech  and equality  before  the  law,  reorganization
               of the Indian people. It is right that that House elected so -
                                                                                     of  States  along  linguistic  lines,  changing  the  Preamble
               under this Constitution of course it will have the right to do
                                                                                     (socialism, secularism), anti-defection law, reducing voting
               anything - should have an easy opportunity to make such
                                                                                     age to eighteen, recognition of local bodies, sharing taxes
               changes as it wants to. But in any event, we should not
                                                                                     between Union government and State governments, Right
               make a Constitution such as some other great countries
                                                                                     to  Education,  restriction on  size  of  Ministries  and  GST.
               have, which are so rigid that they do not and cannot be
                                                                                     Most people, who are not judges or lawyers, will agree
               adapted easily to changing conditions. Today especially,
                                                                                     these major amendments altered the basic structure of the
               when the world is in turmoil and we are passing through a
                                                                                     Constitution. In the list of amendments listed above, those
               very swift period of transition, what we may do today may
                                                                                     till the 29th are pre-1973 and subsequent ones are post-
               not be wholly applicable tomorrow. Therefore, while we
                                                                                     1973. 1973 is a threshold because that’s the year of the
               make a Constitution which is sound and as basic as we
                                                                                     Kesavananda Bharati versus State of Kerala judgement
               can, it should also be flexible and for a period we should
                                                                                     by Supreme Court, ruling that the “basic structure” of the
               be in a position to change it with relative facility.” To use
                                                                                     Constitution cannot be changed.
               an expression, we are all familiar with, the Constitution
                                                                                        Consider the following. First, there was a 13-judge

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