Page 60 - Constitution
P. 60

70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                                                                                         The constitution is not merely an
               designs of constitutionalizing India.
                                                                                         instrument of authority but also a
                  It  may be argued that the Constitution is not merely an
               instrument of authority but also a repository of ideas which are          repository of ideas which are tuned
               tuned to the contemporary socio-economic and political needs.
               Given its historical roots in colonialism, Indian Constitution was        to the contemporary socio-economic
               often criticized for being largely a borrowed doctrine which is           and political needs.
               not entirely unfounded, and it is perfectly understandable why a
               powerful section in the Constituent Assembly was not persuaded
                                                                                     arguments that went on close to three years in the Constituent
               to endorse the text that had emerged after three years of hard
                                                                                     Assembly, the 1950 Constitution of India cannot thus be said
               work. Strictly by emotional yardstick, the charge was plausible
                                                                                     to be entirely a borrowed doctrine because not only was it an
               though logically this appears to be clearly over-stretched since
                                                                                     outcome of the efforts that the framers had undertaken while
               the 1950 Constitution epitomizes those values which informed
                                                                                     defending their respective ideological choices, it also drew on
               the nationalist struggle against foreign domination. It is true
                                                                                     the  constitutional  practices  that  colonial  state  had  nurtured
               that the framers were nurtured in a context in which the British
                                                                                     to consolidate its rule. What is thus distinctive here is the
               liberal ethos reigned supreme. As a result, not only did they
                                                                                     importance of the processes in which some of the constitutional
               imbibe liberal ideas and values, they were also persuaded
                                                                                     ideas and practices are privileged as they are complementary
               to believe in liberal democracy as perhaps the only effective
                                                                                     to  what  the  founding  fathers  recognized  as  useful  and  self-
               device to create a polity of their desire. The Constitution that
                                                                                     fulfilling. Fundamental here is the argument that constitution,
               came out of deliberations in the Constituent Assembly was thus
                                                                                     being a living organism, can neither be entirely derivative nor
               not  drafted  in  a  vacuum  but  in  circumstances  when  different
                                                                                     exclusively indigenous for it is an outcome of processes drawing
               ideological strands and preferences jostled with one another for
                                                                                     on the structure of governance and also the ideas contributing
               supremacy. That liberalism remained the principal ideological
                                                                                     to its articulation and functioning. The 1950 Constitution is not
               plank on which the Constitution was built notwithstanding
                                                                                     only illustrative here, but also makes a fundamental conceptual
               the well-argued opposition by the Gandhians is a testimony
                                                                                     point challenging the effort towards dismissing the text for being
               to the processes whereby it prevailed over other ideological
                                                                                     borrowed from the Western intellectual legacies.
               alternatives. Being an offshoot of relentless debates and

                          Prof Bidyut Chakrabarty is Vice Chancellor Visva-Bharati,  Santiniketan. He
                        obtained his PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science

                                           (UK) and he is an authority in Public Administration;

               60   70 Years of Indian Constitution
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