Page 67 - Constitution
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70        Years of Indian


                                                                                         Divyang people living in urban areas
                Constituent  Assembly.  The  first  thing  was  that  during  the
                colonial administration, Indians were not treated as humans.             enjoy their rights but not fully whereas
                They had no rights, no voice, no interests, etc.                         divyang people living in rural areas
                                                                                         are not aware about their rights and
                   As a result, the first role of the fundamental rights chapter
                                                                                         deprived of most of their rights
                was to safeguard the  rights  of all  human beings. Every
                individual regardless of their cast, creed, religion, should
                enjoy basic equality and dignity, which no state could remove.       essence of the duties. All citizens enjoy the freedom of speech

                Secondly, our Constitution should properly guarantee against         however Clause 2 - 6 of the Article 19 allows reasonable
                untouchability, forced labor, etc., and all the citizens of India    limitations on the use of these rights for the interest of the
                must enjoy equal rights without any discrimination. Still today,     integrity and sovereignty, security, proper public order, morality
                due to the curse of untouchability people belonging to some          and decency of India and its states. This entails that while
                society are forbidden to enter religious places but this does not    using these rights one must keep in mind the duties towards
                happen to other religious groups such as Muslim, Christianity,       the constitutional concepts.
                Buddhism, etc., why in Hinduism only.                                Inclusion of Fundamental Duties in the Constitution:
                   One of the main thing regarding divyang citizens of India,          The initial thing to concentrate on is that as the citizens of
                which we must notice is that their rights are not properly enjoyed   India, there are broad varieties of duties, which unites us in our

                by them till today. Divyang people living in urban areas enjoy       daily life. These fundamental duties are both owed equally to an
                their rights but not fully whereas divyang people living in rural    individual and to the state. We all possess a legal responsibility
                areas are not aware about their rights and deprived of most          such as to pay taxes, to avoid from committing any kind of
                of their rights. So, the government and civil societies together     violence against the fellow-citizens, as well as to obey other
                should create a framework through which we can aware them            laws,  which  Parliament  has  passed.  Breaching  of  any  kind
                about their rights so that they can fully understand what their      legal duty triggers monetary consequences (i.e. fines), or even
                rights are.                                                          a jail term. All the time, we are always following a group of

                There  are  6  fundamental  rights  in  the  constitution  of  India.   duties that guide and restrain how we might behave. It is the
                These areas given below:                                             cost, which must be paid by the citizens for living in a society,
                1.Right to Equality                                                  and nobody objects to pay this price.
                2.Right to Freedom                                                     Fundamental  Duties  were  included  in  the  Part  IV/A  of
                3.Right against Exploitation                                         the Indian Constitution by the 42nd Amendment Act of the
                4.Right to Freedom of Religion                                       Constitution in the year 1976, during Emergency period of the
                5.Cultural and Educational Rights                                    Indira Gandhi government. At present, there are only eleven
                6.Right to Constitutional Remedies.                                  Fundamental Duties under Article 51/A, of which ten were
                   The section on the Fundamental Rights itself recognizes the       added during 42nd Amendment whereas the eleventh was

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