Page 65 - Constitution
P. 65
70 Years of Indian
Fundamental Rights & Duties
serve as a constant reminder of
our national goals
The Indian Constitution is the highest set
A 2008 World Bank Working Paper
of laws of our country, India. It constitutes
argued, “The main determinant of
fundamental political procedures,
differences in across countries
principles, practices, powers, duties and
are differences in economic
rights of the government. It provides
institutions. To solve the problem
constitutional dominance but not
of development will entail reforming
parliamentary domination, because it was
these institutions.” Most people
created by a Constituent Assembly not by
will agree, even market-oriented
Droupadi Ghimiray the Parliament and accepted by the people
economists. Markets don’t work in
of India, with an affirmation in its preamble
isolation, but in a social and legal
so Parliament is not able to dominate it.
context that sets the infrastructure.
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