Page 58 - Constitution
P. 58

70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                                                                                         The inclusion of a detailed scheme of
                  t is true that the provisions of the Constitution were drafted
                  and fine-tuned by the members of the Constituent Assembly              fundamental rights in the Constitution marks
                  within a period that lasted almost three years between 1946            the culmination of a long and sustained
              Iand 1949. A mere surface reading of the Constitutional                    desire of the Indians to be bestowed with the
               provisions reveals that it was a borrowed doctrine since it               basic liberties of free and happy life.
               contains almost  two-thirds of the provisions that the 1935
               Government of India Act. What needs to be emphasized here
                                                                                     Fundamental Rights
               is the fact that these provisions were subject to a thorough
               scrutiny  in  the  Constituent  Assembly  and  they  were  finally    The inclusion of a detailed scheme of fundamental rights
               accepted since they conformed to the ideological belief that          in the Constitution marks the culmination of a long and
               the majority of the members had held. This means that these           sustained desire of the Indians to be bestowed with the basic
               provisions received their approval since they were considered         liberties of free and happy life. Indeed, the formation of the
               appropriate to realize the socio-economic goals that the framers      Indian National Congress in 1885 was, among other things,
               of the Constitution had so dearly nurtured during their struggle      aimed at ensuring the same rights and privileges for Indians
               for freedom. It is thus conceptually persuasive to suggest            that the British enjoyed in their own country  though the first
               that Indian Constitution was an offshoot of a closely-fought          systematic demand for fundamental rights came in the form
               ideational battle both during colonialism and its immediate           of The Constitution of India Bill, 1895.  The Bill stipulated to
               aftermath.                                                            secure to all the citizens freedom of speech and expression,
                  For several reasons, the framing of an acceptable-to-all           right to personal liberty, inviolability of one’s house, right to
               Constitution for free India was an extremely arduous task which       property, equality before law, equality to admission to public
               the Constituent Assembly shouldered efficiently to produce the        offices and right to petition for redress of grievances. However,
               longest democratic constitution in the world. First, the partition    the idea of Indians being called as the citizens of India was
               of  the  country  and  the  subsequent  mayhem  in  Punjab  and       still absent, even in the minds of the prominent Indian leaders,
               Bengal led to a shocking state of nervousness amongst the             including the leaders of the Congress, who in the wake of the
               leaders who immediately set on to devise ways and means               publication of the Montague-Chelmsford Report, impressed
               to instill in the people the confidence in the governability of       upon the British Government for ‘declaration of the rights of
               the country. Moreover, the onerous task of ensuring the               the people of India as British citizens.’ The echo of demands
               integration of five-hundred plus princely states in the Indian        of the Indians for certain fundamental rights was also heard in
               Union appeared quite challenging in view of the ambivalent,           the draft of the Commonwealth of India Bill, formulated by the
               if not totally defiant, positions taken by the rulers of the states   National Convention under the inspiration of Annie Besant in
               like Junagadh, Hyderabad and Jammu and Kashmir.                       1925.
                                                                                        Originally, the  Constitution contained  seven  fundamental

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