Page 59 - Constitution
P. 59

70        Years of Indian


                                                                                    The Fundamental rights have been protected
               rights. But the right to property was repealed in 1978 by the
               Forty-Fourth Constitutional Amendment during the rule of the         against undue infringement by the state excepting
               Janata Government, reducing these rights to six only which           certain specific circumstances provided under the
               are  classified  so:  Right  to  Equality  (Articles  14-18),  Right  to   Constitution, though their amendability has been
               Freedom (Articles 19-22), Right against Exploitation (Articles       upheld by the Supreme Court under Article 368 of the
               23 and  24),  Right  to  Freedom  of  Religion  (Articles  25-28),   Constitution in the 1973 Kesavananda Bharati Case
               Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles 29 and 30), and the
               Right  to  Constitutional  Remedies  (Article  32).  These  rights
                                                                                    thinking with clarity and precision if they are unable to get the
               have been protected against undue infringement by the state
                                                                                    basic inputs of such a thinking. Nevertheless, the fundamental
               excepting  certain  specific  circumstances  provided  under  the
                                                                                    duties have become a part of the Constitution and despite their
               Constitution, though their amendability has been upheld by the
                                                                                    non-justiciability; they continue to exercise some sort of social
               Supreme Court under Article 368 of the Constitution in the 1973
                                                                                    and  collective  restriction  on  those  who  are  fond  of  enjoying
               Kesavananda Bharati Case.
                                                                                    unfettered rights without discharging even an iota of duty to the
               Fundamental Duties                                                   society and the nation.

               Impregnating the high sounding and zealously guarded domain
                                                                                    Concluding Observations
               of fundamental rights with a moderate dose of ethical citizenship
                                                                                    Constitution represents a voice that gets articulated in different
               responsibilities,  the  fundamental  duties  were  inserted  in  the
                                                                                    ways in various provisions. Given the importance of the socio-
               Constitution  in  1976  through  the  Constitution  Forty-Second
                                                                                    economic context in shaping the voice, it is fair to argue that
               Amendment.  Drawn  from  the  Constitution  of  former  Soviet
                                                                                    there is hardly a universal format of constitution since the
               Union and placed in Part IVA of the Constitution under Article
                                                                                    context in which it evolves hardly remains static. There is also
               51A, the set of ten fundamental duties are supposed to be only
                                                                                    substance in the argument that Constitution also builds on the
               moral exhortation to the citizens of the country to inculcate a
                                                                                    prevalent set of values and principles presumably because of
               sense of patriotic and sensible citizenship, without any legal
                                                                                    their  viability  in  the  changed  environment.  What  it  means  is
                                                                                    that a constitution is an articulation of a voice at one level; at
                  Though not justiciable and therefore, with little consequence
                                                                                    another level, it also draws on those constitutional principles
               in practical terms, the provision of fundamental duties was
                                                                                    guiding  a  specific  state.  The  Constitution  of  India  that  was
               opposed by many people who also brought out several
                                                                                    inaugurated in 1950 is a perfect example of a creative blending
               inconsistencies  in  these  duties.  For  instance,  one  of  the
                                                                                    of the nationalist voice and the colonial system of governance
               fundamental duties ask every citizen of the country to develop
                                                                                    which drew on a series of legal stipulations, including the 1935
               the scientific temper and spirit of enquiry but with bulk of the
                                                                                    Government of India Act. A cursory look at the provisions of
               people still illiterate, how is it possible to imbibe the habit of
                                                                                    the 1950 text reveals that they had their roots in the colonial

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