Page 55 - Constitution
P. 55

70        Years of Indian


                          he Fundamental rights are the basic right
                          of every individual. It starts from taking birth              Though the Constitution of India accommodate

                   Twith dignity, live a dignified life and die with                    every possible bit of effort to secure the
                   dignity. On this earth, every individual at his/her                  Fundamental Rights of the people but the  sense
                   present socio-economic standard have a part/role                     of deficiency and sense of insecurities prevails
                   to play. We are all inter-independent. We are a                      among the less privileged people

                   system. Interestingly, human brain has no limit on
                                                                                        concerned,  around  60% of the population  of
                   thinking and expectations which create problems
                                                                                        India awfully missed it. Interestingly, majority
                   and that leads  to the violation  of Fundamental
                                                                                        percentage missed administrative enforcement to
                                                                                        exhibit their civic sense in the society. But luckily,
                     Though the Constitution of India accommodate
                                                                                        the remaining lot behave like responsible citizen
                   every possible bit  of  effort  to  secure the
                                                                                        and hence contributes.
                   Fundamental Rights of the people but the  sense
                                                                                          When we talk about the Fundamental Rights of
                   of  deficiency  and  sense  of  insecurities  prevails
                                                                                        the people and Fundamental Duties of the citizen
                   among the less privileged people. The reason in
                                                                                        of India, we should keep a fairly large room for the
                   broad sense had been the implementing agency's
                                                                                        differently able people. For a densely populated
                   failure to place the "right person in the right place".
                                                                                        country like  Indian  Republic,  it is not an easy
                   It  is the clear cut failure of the implementing
                                                                                        task for the Government to ensure a comfortable
                   agency. Unfortunately the failure in most of the
                                                                                        living for all the differently able people  at the
                   cases is intentional.
                                                                                        Government end. But, the Fundamental  Duties
                     It is a matter of great concern  that majority
                                                                                        of the citizen of our beloved  country can make
                   of the common people  of our country are not
                                                                                        their life comfortable. This has got everything to
                   aware  of their Fundamental  Rights blessed  by
                                                                                        do with  civic  sense. Here lies a  fair  chance for
                   the Constitution of India. Here, media of country
                                                                                        proving us as responsible citizen who are well
                   plays a very crucial role in the cases where
                                                                                        aware of Fundamental Duties. The motto should
                   Fundamentals Rights are visibly violated.
                                                                                        be "HEPLING OTHERS IS MY FUNDAMENTAL
                     The issue  of the Fundamental  Rights  was
                                                                                        RIGHT "
                   gravely threatened during the state of emergency.
                                                                                          After all Fundamental Rights is our basic right. It
                     The Fundamental Duties of the citizens are

                                                                                      70 Years of Indian Constitution                          55
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