Page 50 - Constitution
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70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


               The Constituent Assembly had members from almost                     Sinha and K.M Munshi were members. B.N Rau was

               all sections of the society: Parsis, Anglo Indians, Indian           brought  in  as  the  Constitutional  Advisor.  They  were
                                                                                    the architects of the Indian Constitution. The Assembly
               Christians, Member of the Scheduled Tribes and women                 had members from almost all sections of the society:
               under the general category. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee,                 Parsis,  Anglo  Indians,  Indian  Christians,  Member  of

               leader of the Hindu Mahasabha, was also a member.                    the  Scheduled  Tribes  and  women  under  the  general

                                                                                    category.  Shyama  Prasad  Mukherjee,  leader  of  the
               positive  demand  for  a  Constituent  Assembly  elected             Hindu Mahasabha, was also a member. All sections
               under  adult  suffrage.  That  is  the  very  cornerstone  of        of the society were adequately represented in the
               Congress policy today and our election campaign must                 Assembly, which was diverse and fully pluralistic,
               be based on it. This Assembly must not be conceived                  reflecting the character of the nation.
               as something emanating from the British Government                      I must also record the enormous contribution of the

               or as compromise with the British imperialism. If it is to           Indian National Congress (INC) to India’s freedom
               have a reality, it must have the will of the people behind           struggle  and  its  emergence  as  a  nation-state.  It  is
               it and the organized strength of the masses to support               largely through its efforts that political and economic
               it, and the power to draw up the Constitution of a free              institutions were set up and democracy struck roots in
               India. We have to create that mass support for it through            the newly independent country.
               these elections and later through our other activities.”                The  Constitution  of  India  is  the  world's  lengthiest
                  The Constituent Assembly comprised of members from                Constitution with 25 parts, 448 articles and 12 schedules.

               all parts of the country. The strength of the Constituent            There are 104 amendments that have been made in the
               Assembly was 389, of which 292 were representatives                  Indian Constitution up to January 25, 2020. The very first
               of  the  states,  93  represented  the  princely  states  and        amendment was made in 1950. The Constitution of India
               four were from the chief commissioner provinces of                   is the supreme law of the land. It frames fundamental
               Delhi, Ajmer-Merwara, Coorg and British Baluchistan.                 political  principles,  procedures,  practices,  rights,
               However, as a result of the Partition, the membership of             powers, and duties of the government. It establishes
               the Indian Constituent Assembly was reduced to 299. It               Constitutional  supremacy  and  not  Parliamentary
               was chaired by Dr. B.R Ambedkar.                                     supremacy, as it is created not by the Parliament but
                  Care was taken to ensure that citizens of the highest             by a Constituent Assembly, and adopted by its people,

               talent and calibre such as Dr. Ambedkar, M.R Jayakar,                with a declaration in its Preamble. Parliament cannot
               A.K. Ayyar, H.N Kunzru, N.G. Ayyangar, Sachidanand                   override the Constitution. In the Kesavananda Bharathi

               50   70 Years of Indian Constitution
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