Page 52 - Constitution
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70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


               The Constitution of India guarantees, to all                         son to a daughter. Several laws have been enacted to
               its citizens, equality with dignity and freedom                      ensure equal rights of women. But mere enactments will

               from exploitation. It makes no discrimination                        not suffice; what we need is a change of our mindset.
                                                                                    The true letter and spirit of the Constitution cannot be
               on the ground of caste, religion or sex. All are                     effective unless there is a systemic change to break the
               equal; no one is below, no one above. There                          bond of patriarchy and when India’s daughters are not
               should be no ego, no craving.                                        made to feel like a burden.

                                                                                      Women are under-represented in the highest
              pillar, safeguarding the Constitution and protecting the
                                                                                    institutions of the executive, legislature and judiciary of
              fundamental rights of citizens.  I had the opportunity to
                                                                                    the country. Their representation in elected bodies -- Lok
              work in all three wings of democracy—the judiciary, the
                                                                                    Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies -- is abysmally
              legislature and the executive. Besides taking part in the
                                                                                    low. There was an effort to correct the imbalance  in
              justice delivery system as an advocate, I also had a fair
                                                                                    the  Parliament  and  state  legislatures.  The  Women's
              chance to serve as a Member of the Parliament and as
                                                                                    Reservation Bill or the Constitution (108th Amendment)
              the Governor of Odisha. In all these positions, I have
                                                                                    Bill, 2008, proposed to amend the Constitution of India
              worked with dedication for the rights of the poor, weak,
                                                                                    to reserve 33% of all seats for women in the Lok Sabha,
              backward  and  marginalized people, especially  for  the
                                                                                    and in all state legislative Assemblies. The seats were
              rights and dignity of women, children and differently-
                                                                                    proposed to be reserved in rotation and would have
              abled people.
                                                                                    been determined by draw of lots in such a way that a
                 The Constitution of India guarantees, to all its citizens,
                                                                                    seat would be reserved only once in three consecutive
              equality  with  dignity  and  freedom  from  exploitation.  It
                                                                                    general elections. The Rajya Sabha passed the bill on
              makes no discrimination on the ground of caste, religion
                                                                                    9th March 2010. However, the Lok Sabha never voted
              or sex. All are equal; no one is below, no one above.
                                                                                    on the bill, which lapsed after the dissolution of the 16th
              There should be no ego, no craving.
                                                                                    Lok  Sabha  in  2014.  Our  effort  to  bring  an  end  to  the
                 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity
                                                                                    disparity is only half-hearted and our commitment to half
              and rights. Naturally, women are entitled to equal rights
                                                                                    of our population remains unfulfilled.
              as their male counterparts. Unfortunately, they face
                                                                                      I am happy that we are celebrating the 70th anniversary
              discrimination  almost  in  every  walk  of  life--in  family,
                                                                                    of the adoption of the Indian Constitution. I derive
              education, employment and in the society at large.
                                                                                    immense satisfaction from this supreme law of the land,
                 In a largely patriarchal society, most families prefer a
                                                                                    particularly from the Articles protecting and promoting

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