Page 115 - Constitution
P. 115

70        Years of Indian


                 and Kashmir to Kanyakumari. This was the law                              Manu concludes his dharma śāstra with

                 code  of  Burma,  Thailand,  Cambodia,  Vietnam                           the statement that, “one should see
                 and other South East Asian countries and also in                          oneself in all and all in his own” all lives
                 Buddhist countries these codes have their impact                          are equal and equality of all living being
                 as dasa pāramita. In China, Japan, Korea, Central                         was the main theme of his dharma

                 Asia and all the west Asian countries attested by
                 epigraphy, numismatics and manuscript records.                        and their function.
                    We may examine one solid example of native                         Regarding eligibility to stand for election,
                 democratic institution  which is decidedly  1000                      three main criteria were prescribed:

                 years old and it’s a remarkable constitution.                      1.  The candidate must be above 35 years and
                    A village, named Uttaramerur, about 50 KM                          below  70 years of age.  The lower limit of 35,
                 away from  Chennai has a  historic inscription,                       certain maturity and experience  in life was
                 dated  around 920  CE. Though  well  known  to                        considered  essential  for public  function  and  no

                 historians it has not reached the public eye yet.                     school or college boy can be entrusted.  Similarly,
                 It  was constituted as a new village  in the 8th                      the upper limit is prescribed as old age has a
                 century as per vāstu texts with a hall that marked                    tiresome stage and he or she should leave it to
                 the centre of the village. It was built on a stone                    younger and dynamic person to work hard.

                 base  with  the superstructure  built  was  of brick               2. The second criteria under this head was he should
                 and mortar.  This was called the village hall “Ūrul                   be a resident of the village legally by owning some
                 mandapam”. All secular transaction like assembly                      property, which  means he must have  acquired
                 meetings, administration  etc were conducted                          partnership legally to stand for election.

                 here. The village was administered by members,                     3. The third clause  is the candidate  must have
                 elected to  the Administration assembly. In  the                      certain  basic  qualification,  especially  legal
                 beginning of 10th century (920 CE), a constitution                    knowledge,  as he will  have to enact laws for
                 was debated, approved clause by clause and the                        public administration.

                 same was written on the stone base of the hall.  It                4. The fourth clause, was only one candidate from
                 deals with four or five major sections, like eligibility              a family can  stand for  one election.   This was
                 of the candidate  for standing  for election,  the                    to  prevent  the  power  and  public  finance  going
                 qualification, disqualification, process of election                  into the hands of  a single family.   This clause

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