Page 110 - Constitution
P. 110

70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                                                                                            In 104 amendments carried in the Constitution,
                  ndia has a written Constitution, which will complete 70
                  years since its adoption on 26th November 2020.  Our                      we must appreciate that every amendment
              I Constitution  has  a  Preamble,  395  Articles,  22  Parts

               and  8 Schedules.   There have  been  104  amendments                        has been expression of the people’s will as
               to the Constitution so far.  The United States of America                    they have been passed by both the Houses of
                                                                                            the Parliament & state legislature
               (USA) has the oldest codified and written constitution in
               the world which has only a preamble, 7 Articles and 27
               amendments in a span of 231 years as their constitution              structure of the Constitution.
               came into operation on 4th March 1789.  United Kingdom                  When every amendment  to the Constitution  is done
               has no written  constitution but  has a  democratic                  to achieve good governance in the country, we can say

               parliamentary system which is described as the mother of             that it was due to the necessity to change according to
               the parliamentary democracy.                                         the requirement of time.  However there has been one
                  It is creditable to India that our Constitution has served        amendment, the 42nd Amendment made in 1976 and
               the purpose of development and progress in the last 70               another resolution to repeal Articles 370 submitted to Lok
               years.  India has now become an important country in                 Sabha on 6th August 2019 to integrate Jammu & Kashmir
               world affairs.  The three arms created by the Constitution           with India raised considerable turmoil in the country.
               namely the Parliament, the Executive and the Judiciary                  The  42nd  Amendment  was  to  change  the  Preamble
               have  been  interdependent and  working  in co-operative             of Constitution by adding three more words  ‘Socialist,
               way.  The elections of the Parliament, State Legislatures            Secular’ and Unity ‘and Integrity’ of the nation.  This was

               and local bodies have  been conducted smoothly by                    the  first  change  in  Preamble  made  on  18th  December
               the different Election  Authorities.   It is therefore most          1976 by the "Captive" Parliament during the Emergency.
               opportune for us to celebrate the 70th year of existence of          Along with the Preamble, 56 Articles were also amended.
               the Constitution of India.                                           This was violative of the basic structure of the Constitution.
                  In 104 amendments carried in the Constitution, we must            The  voters  subsequently  reacted  in  the  Parliamentary
               appreciate that every amendment has been expression of               elections  when  Smt.  Indira  Gandhi,  Prime  Minister  and
               the people’s will as they have been passed by both the               Congress Party were defeated.

               Houses of the Parliament, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha                     The other important resolution  was to repeal  Article
               and also by Legislature of both the Houses of different              370 and 35 (A) submitted to Lok Sabha on 6th August
               states wherever  necessary. However,  some have                      2019 to  integrate Jammu &  Kashmir with India  raised
               been struck down on the basis of abrogating the basic                considerable turmoil in the country.  In final analysis, the

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