Page 120 - Constitution
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70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                                                                                         A Constitution must be the vehicle of the
                      he Supreme Court has held this preface to constitute
                      the founding faith or the blueprint of the values                  life of a nation and also must be borne in
                                                                                         mind that it is not a gate but a road. It is not
               Tembodied  with  a  sense  of  permanence  in  the
                                                                                         a document for fastidious dialectics but
               constitutional document which envisions a social ordering
               in which fundamental constitutional values are regarded as                the means of ordering the life of people
               indispensable to the pursuit of happiness.
                  In the words of Justice HR Khanna, while the Constitution
                                                                                     State in its onward march towards further progress.
               provides for the framework and norms for functioning of
                                                                                        The Constitution is an organic and evolving document.
               different organs of the State, viz. the Executive, the Legislature
                                                                                     The  Supreme  Court  has  noted  that  Parts  III  (dealing  with
               and the Judiciary, it also reflects the hopes and aspirations
                                                                                     Fundamental  Rights)  and  IV  (dealing  with  the  Directive
               of the people and encompasses within itself the broad
                                                                                     Principles  of  State  Policy)  together  constitute  the  core  of
               indications as to how the nation is to march forward in times
                                                                                     commitment to social revolution and they, together, are the
               to come. A Constitution must, of necessity, be the vehicle of
                                                                                     conscience of the Constitution. The goals set out in Part IV
               the life of a nation and also must be borne in mind that it is not
                                                                                     have, therefore, to be achieved without the abrogation of the
               a gate but a road. It is not a document for fastidious dialectics
                                                                                     means provided for by Part III. It is in this sense that Parts III
               but the means of ordering the life of people.
                                                                                     and IV together constitute the core of our Constitution and
                  Fortunately however, ours is not a rigid Constitution.
                                                                                     combine to form its conscience.
               The Constitution recognizes the power and procedure for
                                                                                        In the early years, the Court dealt with a wide range of
               Parliament to amend the Constitution. Justice Khanna in the
                                                                                     fundamental rights cases  largely concerning  the freedoms
               same case also observed that a Constitution provides the
                                                                                     and their reasonable restrictions. This involved freedom of
               broad outlines of the administration of a country and concerns
                                                                                     speech and expression, right to religious freedom, right
               itself with the problems of the Government. At the time of
                                                                                     to property, etc. During its early years, the Court held that
               the framing of the Constitution many views including those
                                                                                     fundamental rights enshrined in separate articles were to be
               emanating from conflicting extremes were presented. In most
                                                                                     read separately, in distinct spheres; the seven freedoms of
               cases the Constitution is the result of a compromise between
                                                                                     Article 19 were not subsumed in the fabric of life or personal
               conflicting views. Those who frame a Constitution cannot be
                                                                                     liberty in Article 21. Justice Fazl Ali dissented, noting that
               oblivious of the fact that in the working of a Constitution many
                                                                                     fundamental rights are not isolated and separate but protect
               difficulties would have to be encountered and that it is beyond
                                                                                     a common thread of liberty and freedom. This dissent was
               the  wisdom  of  one  generation  to  hit  upon  a  permanently
                                                                                     take note of by a bench of 11 judges in R.C. Cooper v.
               workable solution for all problems which may be faced by the
                                                                                     Union of India' (Bank Nationalization case) and the theory

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