Page 111 - Constitution
P. 111
70 Years of Indian
After studying the Constitution, I met
change was made following parliamentary procedure and
well received by the people at large. the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and
On this occasion, I must share few memoirs pertaining suggested that Hindi and English
to the Constitution. When I first saw the Hindi Copy of the
Constitution in the Parliament Library, I was amazed to copies of the Constitution should be
reprinted and kept for sale
see the pictures in all the 22 chapters of the Constitution.
The range of the pictures was from Vedic Period, Gupta
Period, Indian Freedom struggle, pictures of Shivaji, Guru session of the Lok Sabha and ‘Vande Mataram’ on the last
Govind Singh, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, etc. After day of every session. When someone asks me what is my
studying the Constitution, I met the Speaker of the Lok important achievement in the Lok Sabha, I reply, "singing
Sabha and suggested that Hindi and English copies of the of ‘Jana-Gana-Mana’ on 24th November 1992 and ‘Vande
Constitution should be reprinted and kept for sale. I also Mataram’ on 23rd December 1992 in Lok Sabha after 45
suggested these copies should be given to all Members years of securing Independence".
of the Parliament as memento. The suggestion was I would also like to mention another achievement. The
accepted and implemented. It made me happy. last meeting of the Constituent Assembly was held on 24th
While reading the debates of the Constitution Assembly, January 1950 when the ‘Constitution of India’ was signed
I came across the debate about national anthem. Majority by all members. In the Constitution, name of the state
members suggested ‘Vande Mataram’, while Prime is shown as ‘United Province’. However, on the same
Minister Shri Jawaharlal Nehru’s preference was for ‘Jana day, the Government of India issued a notification stating
Gana Mana’. As the Chairman Dr. Rajendra Prasad said that ‘United Province’ will be known as ‘Uttar Pradesh’.
that both songs are good, we shall approve ‘Jana – Gana- This was a very important day which can be considered
Mana’, however, ‘Vande Mataram’ will have equal status. as 'Uttar Pradesh Foundation Day'. Some social
Subsequently in Lok Sabha, a question was raised and organizations were asking that Uttar Pradesh Government
replied stating that National Anthem and National Song should declare it as a Foundation Day. When I became
are not being sung in some schools and the Government the Governor, I prepared a proper case to support the
would issue a statement for their regular singing. I demand for Foundation Day and requested Uttar Pradesh
considered that the reply is not satisfactory. I raised the Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to declare 24th January
discussion through the route of ‘Half an Hour Discussion’ as 'Uttar Pradesh Foundation Day'. The Chief Minister
which finally resulted in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha graciously agreed and issued suitable order on 2nd May
singing ‘Jana – Gana – Mana’ on the first day of every 2017. Thereafter, the first 'Uttar Pradesh Foundation Day'
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