Page 114 - Constitution
P. 114

70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                                                                                            It is necessary to see that India had
                      t  is necessary to see that India had nearly
                      three to four thousand  years of democratic                           nearly three to four thousand years of

                   Iexperience.  It  had discipline  in public life.                        democratic experience.  It had discipline
                  The most ancient system of self-rule is found the                         in public life.  The most ancient system of
                  Vedic times which were called parishad, ganas                             self-rule is found the Vedic times which

                  or sabhā.  The ancient Indians divided human life                         were called parishad, ganas or sabhā
                  into worldly life and religious life called Laukikam
                                                                                       greed and acceptable to one mind ‘Dharma’”.
                  and  Sāmayikam.    They  realized  if  one  wants
                                                                                         Manu  concludes  his  dharma  śāstra  with  the
                  harmonious life in a country and all living beings
                                                                                       statement that, “one should see oneself in all and
                  must have equal rights and live happily to seek
                                                                                       all in his own” all lives are equal and equality of all
                  prosperity, then they must follow a code of law
                                                                                       living being was the main theme of his dharma.
                  and  discipline.  That code  was called  Dharma.
                                                                                         This is the ideology  of Manu dharma.  Manu
                  Dharma  means that which sustains civilization
                                                                                       around 3000 years earlier gave this positive call
                  dhāranāt  dharmam  ityuktam,    Sri  Krishna,  in
                                                                                       Samadarsana, while this present constitution has
                  Bhagvad Gita, says, he gave the dharma to
                                                                                       negative  ideology  – secularism  – meaning  no
                  Vivasavan  and  Vivasvan  gave  it  to  Manu  and
                                                                                       religious rites.
                  Manu taught Ikshavku and it  was transmitted
                                                                                         Manu  also  defines  ten  qualities  to  be
                  to Rajarishis. Krishna, Manu, Ikshavaku and all
                                                                                       imbibed  by men which are called “Dasakam
                  those who  used it were Kshatriyas, rulers and
                                                                                       Dharma Lakshanam”. They are Steadfastness,
                  not –Brāhmanas. The first to codify dharma, also
                                                                                       forbearance, control of mind, non-stealing, purity,
                  called “Raja Dharma”, was Manu who was the first
                                                                                       truthfulness, control  of senses,  intelligence,
                  constitution giver. Both at the beginning and end
                                                                                       knowledge,  and, devoid  of anger”  are the ten
                  of his work, “Manu dharma sāstra”, he says what
                                                                                       states of dharma. It  may be seen there is no
                  he is proposing in Dharma sastra is “Samatvam”
                                                                                       religious  or sectarian or religious  directions in
                  also  called  “Samadarśana”  impartiality  and
                                                                                       the ideology of Manu Dharma. The unscrupulous
                  equality.  The very beginning verse says, “Dharma
                                                                                       power mongers distorted Manu dharma. This law
                  is that which is adored by learned men well, and
                                                                                       code was followed by all the kings of India for the
                  all times, without hatred towards any and without
                                                                                       past more than 1800 years, from Punjab to Assam

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