Page 116 - Constitution
P. 116

70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                                                                                            The inscription under discussion
                  was introduced to prevent the public  assembly
                                                                                            has defined what constitutes a family
                  dominated by one family which was not democracy
                  but feudalism.                                                            and it says “family means the father of
                    But under the present constitution any number
                  of members from one family could be elected                               the candidate, his relatives like father’s

                  and the same family could perpetuate their                                brothers, sisters, etc
                  sons, daughters, and grandsons by getting them
                                                                                       election cannot stand for the next three elections;
                  elected. It should be remembered that thousand
                                                                                       and there should be an interval of three elections
                  years ago the population was hardly 1% of what
                                                                                       before he can stand for second election.”
                  we have today. Hundred-and-thirty crore of people
                                                                                         “Further a candidate can stand only for three
                  we have today and yet considerable numbers of
                                                                                       elections in his life time and not more.”  This is a
                  elected members may belong to the same family
                                                                                       forethought of ancestors who prevented such an
                  who were elected 50 years ago. Not only that,
                                                                                       occurrence.  No other member of the family can
                  but when anybody’s chance to get elected turns
                                                                                       stand if one is disqualified or declared a criminal.
                  bleak, they get them nominated to Rajya Sabha
                                                                                       This restriction of term not only for him but to all
                  and see the family hold is not lost.  The present
                                                                                       his family members was to prevent the election
                  system cannot be considered democratic by any
                                                                                       from going  into the hands of one family”. But
                  means but out and out a Neo-feudal system. As
                                                                                       according to the present constitution, the family
                  this clause deals with the participation, it became
                                                                                       is not considered a unit for purposes of election.
                  necessary  to  define  what  is  a  family?    The
                                                                                       So  conveniently  now  four  or  five  members  of
                  inscription  under  discussion  has  defined  what
                                                                                       the  family stand and exploit the  democratic
                  constitutes a family and it says “family means the
                  father of the candidate, his relatives like father’s
                                                                                       The next clause in the inscription is a series
                  brothers, sisters,  etc.    Similarly, his mother’s
                                                                                       of disqualification
                  relatives, his own brothers and sisters and also
                                                                                       “According to the inscription  of native
                  the family they  get married into constitute a
                                                                                       constitution  “these  disqualifications  are
                  family.  None of them can stand for election”.
                                                                                       applicable to all kinds of criminal such as:
                    “Another sub clause included in the inscription
                                                                                    1. “One who has received bribe in any kind by any
                  is also important. A  candidate elected in the

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