Page 107 - Constitution
P. 107

70        Years of Indian


                   Attitudes from the colonial age, that saw                        the 2008 financial collapse caused by an excess of greed
                  information as needing to be kept away from public                over prudence and ethics among several North American

                  view, are being eroded and slowly, more and more                  and  European  financial  entities,  the  Indo-Pacific  has
                  of the processes of Government are coming under                   emerged as the pivot. Both the Indian Ocean as well as
                                                                                    the Pacific Ocean form a contiguous entirety that is clearly
                  public scrutiny, as indeed they must.                             the hub of commerce and security across the world.

                                                                                    Efforts of Atlanticists  to retain their primacy will fail, as will
               her income, education or other characteristic was.  As Bal
                                                                                    the alternative of a unified Eurasian pivot with its centre
               GangadharTilak declared, Swaraj was his birth right and
                                                                                    located in the Peoples Republic of China, the conception
               that of every citizen of the Republic of India. Every year,
                                                                                    that  drives  the  Belt  and  Road  Initiative  of  Chinese
               prophets of doom forecast disaster and civil war. They
                                                                                    Communist  Party  General  Secretary  Xi  Jinping.    Within
               spoke of a million mutinies; they spoke of revolt "around
                                                                                    the Indo-Pacific, the two great democracies which share
               the corner". But year after year, that corner never came.
                                                                                    the  common  characteristic  of  having  suffered  under  the
               Election after election, the people had their say, and with
                                                                                    occupation of Britain as well as in the use of the English
               the spread of radio, the advent of cable television, and the
                                                                                    language, India well on the way towards having more of
               provision internet access to hundreds of millions, more and
                                                                                    its citizens knowing the English language apart from their
               more became vocal about their views and preferences.
                                                                                    diverse mother tongues than any other country, followed
                   Finally, performance is being recognized as more of a
                                                                                    by the US.
               necessity than caste or community labels in the race to
                                                                                       The population of Indian Americans is rising rapidly, and
               get elected, and this is as it should be. Politicians should
                                                                                    this segment of the citizenry of the world's most powerful
               compete with each other in good governance, and not in
                                                                                    country has become the most dynamic, with high income
               abuse or in misuse of the public trust.
                                                                                    levels and very low levels of crime. Across the world,
                  At the same time, transparency is becoming more present.
                                                                                    the diaspora from India has distinguished itself by its
               Attitudes from the colonial age, that saw information as
                                                                                    adherence to human values and its respect for the Rule of
               needing to be kept away from public view, are being
                                                                                    Law. The Constitution of India has been the foundation of
               eroded and slowly, more and more of the processes of
                                                                                    such learning, which has been carried into the numerous
               Government are coming under public scrutiny, as indeed
                                                                                    lands into which those from India have settled down, to the
               they must.
                                                                                    benefit not only of themselves but of the communities and
                  After the 1939-45 war across Europe and Asia, the
                                                                                    countries in which they live, unlike the people of some other
               Atlantic emerged as the "geographical pivot of history",
                                                                                    countries, who are often proved to be more problematic.
               to quote Halford G Mackinder. In the 21st century, after

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