Page 141 - General Election
P. 141

50. State/UT-wise Average Number of Candidates

                        per Parliamentary Constituencies in

                                      General Elections 2019

        Indian democracy, owing to the diverse heterogenous population of the nation witnesses large
        amount of diversity in the candidates contesting for general elections in order to get elected to
        the lower house of parliament. Below is the data regarding the state-wise average number of

        candidates per parliamentary seats who contested in 2019 general elections.

        In 2019 general elections, the state with highest average number of candidates contesting for
        seventeenth Lok Sabha was 26 from Telangana. While in union territory, with 36 candidates
        Chandigarh stood first, up from 17 candidates in 2014 general elections.

         State/UT-wise Average Number of Candidates per Parliamentary Constituencies in General Elections 2019
         Sl. No.     State/UT                                General Election 2014      General Election 2019
         1           Andaman & Nicobar Islands               15                         15
         2           Andhra Pradesh                          14                         13
         3           Arunachal Pradesh                       5                          6
         4           Assam                                   11                         10
         5           Bihar                                   15                         16
         6           Chandigarh                              17                         36
         7           Chhattisgarh                            19                         15
         8           Dadra & Nagar Haveli                    11                         11
         9           Daman & Diu                             4                          4
         10          Goa                                     9                          6
         11          Gujarat                                 12                         14
         12          Haryana                                 23                         22
         13          Himachal Pradesh                        9                          11
         14          Jammu & Kashmir                         12                         13
         15          Jharkhand                               17                         16
         16          Karnataka                               15                         17
         17          Kerala                                  13                         11
         18          Lakshadweep                             6                          6
         19          Madhya Pradesh                          13                         15
         20          Maharashtra                             18                         18
         21          Manipur                                 9                          10
         22          Meghalaya                               5                          5
         23          Mizoram                                 3                          6
         24          Nagaland                                3                          4
         25          NCT of Delhi                            21                         23
         26          Odisha                                  9                          8
         27          Puducherry                              30                         18
         28          Punjab                                  19                         21
         29          Rajasthan                               12                         10
         30          Sikkim                                  6                          11
         31          Tamil Nadu                              21                         22
         32          Telangana                               -                          26
         33          Tripura                                 12                         12
         34          Uttar Pradesh                           16                         12
         35          Uttarakhand                             14                         10
         36          West Bengal                             11                         11
                     ALL INDIA                               15                         15

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