Page 99 - Constitution
P. 99

70        Years of Indian


               In outlook and purpose, life in the armed                            social equality and harmony? Or is it shaping a national
               forces is heavily dependent on the traditions                        identity based on our core values so as to mature as a
               imbibed over years of blood stained history                          strong and vibrant nation, proud and confident, backed by

               of the services. These traditions, almost                            adequate national poser to be proud and confident, backed
               sacred to soldiers, can be traced upwards to                         by adequate national power to assume its rightful role in
               patriotism and down wards to self-pride.                             international affairs. Nation building is a combination of all
                                                                                    facets of progress. This is also stated in the Preamble to
               Article 33: Restrictions on Fundamental Rights                       the Constitution.

                  Article 33 of the Constitution authorises the Parliament             In outlook and purpose, life in the armed forces is heavily
               to restrict or abrogate  the applicability  of Fundamental           dependent on the traditions imbibed over years of blood
               Rights to the members of the armed forces and certain                stained history of the services. These traditions, almost

               other forces and  services to ensure  proper  ‘discharge             sacred to soldiers, can be traced upwards to patriotism
               of their duties’  and  the ‘maintenance  of discipline’.             and down wards to self-pride. They are not only from the
               Restrictions under this Article prevent personnel  of  the           Indian Army under the British but date back to the days
               Armed Forces from participating in any political activity,           of Mahabharat. They refer to Bhagwad Gita’s message
               necessary to uphold the apolitical character of the forces           ‘considering your own duty, you should not waver, for there
               and also on direct communication on service or political             is nothing more welcome for a man of warrior class than
               subjects to the press.                                               a righteous war’, or Guru Gobind Singh’s message of ‘De
                  It must, however, be noted that other than the specified          Shiva war mohe shubh karman se kab hun na taru.....’, or
               purpose  of ‘discharge  of duties’  and  ‘maintenance  of            the Indian Military Academy credo that states, “the safety,

               discipline’,  these restrictions do not in any manner,               honour and welfare of your country come first, always and
               proclaim that  members of  such forces shall be lesser               every time. The honour, welfare and comfort of the men
               citizens, or that rights can be restricted or abrogated for          you command come next. Your own ease, comfort and
               purposes other than the ibid purposes.                               safety come last, always  and  every  time.” The primary
                                                                                    role  of the armed  forces is to defend  India’s  territorial
               Armed Forces in Nation Building                                      integrity against external and internal threats. This is

               Under the Constitution, the armed forces play an important           central to the concept of national security and paramount

               role in nation building.  What is nation building?  Is  it           for all nation-building activities. Since Independence, the
               economic development and industrialisation? Is it building           armed forces have fought external and internal inimical
               large metros, roads, schools and hospitals? Is it ensuring           forces almost continuously to ensure that India’s freedom

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