Page 98 - Constitution
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70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                                                                                         The fundamental rights also give the

               n   Protect and improve the natural environment including                 privilege to all armed forces personnel
                  forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion           to participate in the polling process
                  for living creatures;                                                  and exercise his/her vote whenever
                                                                                         elections are held in their constituency

               These are essential values deliberately  inculcated
               amongst all men and women of the armed forces. Over                   to play in ensuring territorial integrity of the nation and in

               the years, it has become clear that such motivated people             nation building.
               not only make efficient and dedicated soldiers in service
               but even after leaving  the services continue as nation               Articles 12-35: Fundamental Rights
               building role models for the others. In fact, India’s armed           Every citizen of India is guaranteed  fundamental rights
               forces revel in their status as the role model for national           which are essential for intellectual,  moral and spiritual
               integration and meritocracy.                                          development.    These  are  enshrined  in  Part  III  (Articles

                                                                                     12 to 35) of the Constitution.  Six fundamental  rights
               Article 312: No Mention of Armed Forces                               recognised by the Indian Constitution are:

               India’s  armed  forces have played  an  important security
               role for the Republic of India during the freedom struggle            n  Right to equality
               and after Independence. The First War of Independence
                                                                                     n   Right to freedom
               in 1857 was fought by soldiers. The Navy mutinied against
                                                                                     n   Right against exploitation
               the British in Mumbai in 1946. Since Independence, the
               armed forces have fought external and internal  inimical              n  Right to freedom of religion
               forces almost continuously to ensure that India’s freedom
                                                                                     n   Cultural and educational rights, and
               is protected and maintained. Even when the Constitution
                                                                                     n  Right to Constitutional remedies
               was being drafted, the armed forces were fighting India’s
               first  post-Independence  war  for  its  territorial  integrity
               in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). Yet, unlike  the All India                  The fundamental rights also give the privilege to all armed
               Services-the Indian Administrative  Service, The Indian               forces personnel to participate in the polling process and
               Police  Service  and  the  Indian  Forest  Service  (created          exercise his/her vote whenever elections are held in their
               in  1966)  -  which  find  a  birth  place  in  Article  312  of  the   constituency. Unfortunately, till date, the Government and
               Constitution  due to insistence  of then Home Minister                the Election Commission have not been able to work out a

               Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel), there is no mention of India’s             workable method wherein every soldier in peace and field
               armed forces or the important role that they are required             is able to exercise his/her voting right.

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