Page 103 - Constitution
P. 103

70        Years of Indian


               A good perception of rights is appreciable but the                      Since  the  state  enforces  rights  therefore,  the  citizens
               same concern for duties also needs to be developed                   should also be duty bound to be loyal to state.  However,
               among all, as without duties there cannot be                         in recent years the gradual decline in ethical values and

               any rights. Gandhiji also used to say that as real                   compassion is making the situation difficult, as the degree
                                                                                    of aggressiveness and anxiousness, which is displayed
               rights are the outcome of the performance of duty                    for claiming right, remains absent towards obedience of
               therefore, there is always a corresponding duty                      duties.

                                                                                       The reckless behavior of people even during the
               the preamble of constitution from sovereign, democratic
                                                                                    COVID-19  pandemic  and  deliberate  defiance  of  rules
               republic to sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic
                                                                                    like wearing of mask, maintaining social distancing, not
                                                                                    promoting congregation and crowding by a large number
                   These actions not only suspended elections in the
                                                                                    of people without any thought that how much dangerous it
               country and curbed the civil liberties of the people but also
                                                                                    can be for other people’s safety and security is one of the
               became a cause of resentment among the people and
                                                                                    best examples of the loss of ethical values and concept of
               motivated them to revolt against it and get back their rights.
               This clearly exhibits the people’s power and supremacy
                                                                                       The decline of ethical values and growing corruption
               of Constitution, which is guarded very competently by the
                                                                                    in all sectors from business to education, from health to
               supreme court of India.
                                                                                    governance, from corruption to environment, violation of
                  While the growing number of Public Interest Litigation
                                                                                    traffic  rules,  growing  incidence  of  crime  against  women
               (PIL) in various sectors which directly affect the people’s
                                                                                    and  girls,  discrimination  on  the  grounds  of  gender,
               lives like environment, education, health, corruption, red-
                                                                                    caste, creed, flexing of money and muscle powers, rise
               tape-ism etc is indicative of the increasing awareness
                                                                                    of caste or religion-based groups are making the task
               among the people towards their rights but at the same
                                                                                    of  the  Constitution  difficult  and  affecting  the  spirit  and
               time  negligent  behavior  of  some people  and  uncaring
                                                                                    implementation of Constitutional values.
               attitude towards similar rights of other people also shows
                                                                                       But the strong values enshrined in the Indian Constitution
               the decline in moral standards of the stake holders.
                                                                                    work as a motivating force. The smooth change of
                  A good perception of rights is appreciable but the same
                                                                                    Governments  in  the  states  and  centre  every  five  years
               concern for duties also needs to be developed among all,
                                                                                    through direct elections in the world’s largest democracy
               as without duties there cannot be any rights. Mahatma
                                                                                    is unparalleled.
               Gandhi also used to say that as real rights are the outcome
                                                                                       The  role  of  Opposition  in  this  democracy  becomes
               of the performance of duty therefore, there is always a
                                                                                    important for quality check on the functioning of the
               corresponding duty.

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