Page 96 - Constitution
P. 96

70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                                                                                         As a nation state, India comprises myriad
                          ationalism’  as  defined  by  Earnest  Rennan  is
                          “A peoples’ sense of collective destiny through                streams of culture, languages, dialects, ethnic
                          a common past and the vision of a common                       groups and religious communities with several

              Nfuture”. No nation state can be built without first                       sects and sub sects. There are nearly 70 socio
               creating and inculcating nationalism. The Indian paradox                  cultural sub regions. It is a huge diversity
               is that we are an old society and civilization, but in the                suffused with wide ranging creativity.
               modern political sense we are a new nation state. In fact,
               India has been a nation state only a few times in its long            assures justice, equality, liberty and promotes fraternity
               history. The dynamics of Indian empires have been such                amongst all its citizens. The document  lays down the
               that each has risen out of a hotbed of internecine quarrels           framework demarcating fundamental political  code,
               and fighting among small states: a tendency which can                 structure, procedures, powers, and duties of government
               be felt even today.                                                   institutions  and sets out fundamental  rights, directive

                  As a nation state, India comprises myriad streams of               principles, and the duties of citizens. It is a living document
               culture, languages, dialects, ethnic groups and religious             (amended 104 times  till  date) which quite appreciably
               communities with several sects and sub sects. There are               lays considerable emphasis on individual freedoms and
               nearly 70 socio cultural sub regions. It is a huge diversity          fundamental rights of its citizens.
               suffused with wide ranging creativity.
                  It is the second-most populous country in the world,               Armed Forces’ Oath to the Constitution
               the seventh-largest country by land area, mega-diverse                For the armed forces, the Constitution of India is a holy

               and the most populous democracy in the world.                         document. At the time of joining or getting commission
                  Geo-strategically  and historically, India has unique              in the armed forces, all ranks have to take an oath (or
               centrality in South Asia. It has special ties with all nations        an  Affirmation)  to  the  Constitution  of  India,  which  is
               of the region: of ethnicity, language,  culture, common               considered to be the guide to nationalism and nationhood.
               historical experience  and shared access to natural                   The form of the oath (or a similar Affirmation) is:
               resources like water.                                                    “I, (Name) do swear in the name of god that I will bear
                                                                                     true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as
               The Constitution of India                                             by the law established and that I will, as in duty bound,
               The Constitution of India has become the supreme law                  honesty and faithfully serve in the regular army of the

               for our nation state. The Constitution declares India as              Union of India and go wherever ordered by land, sea or
               a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. It              air and that I will observe and obey all commands of the

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