Page 70 - Constitution
P. 70

70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                       ccording to a mythological history presented in the
                       Mahabharata, the original composition of a work on                 Parliament has from the outset been
                                                                                          active in the realm of social legislation.
               Astatecraft was by Brahma himself. That work was
                                                                                          The abolition of untouchability must rank
               continually abridged, with the final two editions created by
               Brihaspati and Usanas (Sukra). It is interesting that in the               among its most far-reaching reforms
               2nd century CE, Asvaghosa, in his Buddhacarita (1. 46),
               stated that Brhaspati and Sukra succeeded in producing                Kerala judgment in 1973, the  Supreme Court enunciated
               works on kings (rajasastra) that their predecessors could            the doctrine of basic structure of the Constitution; in its
               not.                                                                 endeavour  to protect Parliament’s right to amend laws
                The Constitution of India, which came into effect on 26th           and the citizens’ right to defend their  Fundamental Rights.
               January 1950, may be regarded as our final treatise on               The Court held that Parliament could alter any provision
               governance. It marks a departure from all previous texts in          of the Constitution to fulfil its socio-economic obligations

               that its focus is not confined to institutions of governance         so long as it did not change the basic structure of the
               alone. It is intended to serve as an instrument to ensure            Constitution.
               political, social, and economic justice to all its citizens           Over the decades, Constitutional  amendments have
               without any discrimination.                                          increased  opportunities  for the socially, economically,
                 An  important instrument for  ensuring justice is  the             and educationally  backward sections of society. The
               Fundamental  Rights  which  is  incorporated  in  Part  III  of      Scheduled Castes and  Scheduled Tribes have  been
               the Constitution. They are to be enjoyed by all citizens             guaranteed  reservations  in  Parliament,educational

               irrespective of caste, creed, or gender, and are enforceable         institutions, and government services; the provisions were
               by law. The Fundamental  Rights  have  facilitated  far              subsequently  extended to the Other  Backward Castes
               reaching  reforms in Indian  society; they have  ensured             (OBC’s). In 1992, the Supreme Court held that the total
               equality while safeguarding individual liberty.                      number of reservations could not exceed fifty per cent, as
                Parliament has from the outset been active in the realm             that would violate the principle of equal access provided
               of social legislation. The abolition of untouchability must          in the Constitution. In 2019, by the 103rd amendment, the
               rank among  its  most  far-reaching reforms.  The  Indian            economically  weaker  sections (EWS) were  included  in
               judiciary  has been effective in shielding  citizens from            the ambit of reservations.
               social discrimination and  defending them  from  arbitrary             The  Directive  Principles,  enunciated  in  Part  IV  of  the

               state intervention.                                                  Constitution, are intended to  serve as guidelines in
                 In  the  landmark Kesavananda Bharati v  the  State  of            framing of laws. The Fundamental  Duties of citizens

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