Page 72 - Constitution
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70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                                                                                          Article 17 abolishes untouchability
               that only military titles and academic distinctions shall be
                                                                                          and prohibits its practice in any form.
               conferred by the State.

               Right to Freedom (Articles 19-22)                                          The enforcement of any disability

                Article 19 guarantees the right (i) to freedom of speech                  arising out of untouchability is
               and expression; (ii) to assemble peacefully and without                    punishable by law
               arms; (iii) to form associations and unions; (iv) to move

               freely throughout the territory of India; (v) to reside and          freedom of conscience and the right to profess,
               settle in any part of the territory of India; and (vi) to practice   practice, and propagate their religion.
               any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade, or
               business.                                                            The right is subject to the following restrictions –
               These rights (Right to freedom) are further protected                nothing  in  this  article  will  affect  the  operation  of
               by Articles 20 -22, which provide that in case of arrest,            any existing law, or prevent the State from making
               a citizen has the right to be informed of the grounds of             a law, regulating or restricting any economic,
               arrest, has access to a lawyer, and be produced before a             financial,    political,   or   other    secular     activity
               magistrate within twenty-four hours. This right was briefly          which may be  associated  with  religious practice;

               suspended during the national emergency declared in the              providing for social welfare and reform; throwing open
               year 1975.                                                           Hindu religious institutions of a public character to all
                                                                                    classes and sections of Hindus. In recent times, the
               Right against exploitation (Articles 23-24)                          right to religious propagation has been the subject of

               This article prohibits all forms of discrimination,  direct          some debate, with allegations of its misuse.
               or  indirect.  Traffic  in  human  beings  and  unpaid  labour
               are forbidden on pain of punishment of the offender.                 5. Cultural and educational rights (Articles 29-30).

               Further,  no  child  under the  age  of  fourteen  can  be           The two articles in this section grant all citizens possessing a
               employed in factories, mines, or other hazardous                     distinct language, script, or culture, the right to conserve it. No
               occupations.                                                         citizen shall be denied admission into an educational institution
               Right to freedom of religion (Article 25-28)                         maintained by the state or receiving aid from State funds on

               This article provides that subject to public order,                  grounds of religion, race, caste, language, or any of them. All
               morality, and health, and to other provisions of Part III            minorities,  whether  based  on  religion  or  language,  have  the
               of the Constitution, all persons are equally entitled to

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