Page 75 - Constitution
P. 75

70        Years of Indian


                                                                                            History is witness to the fact that the Naga
                     eaders  amongst  the  freedom  fighters  gave  their
                     all for the freedom of the motherland, all their zeal,                 struggle had already gained momentum
                                                                                            much before India became free from
              Ltheir skill and their ardor went with it. They were                          British yoke. The Naga National Council

               true patriots. They fought for freedom with a united heart                   (NNC) formed at Wokha in 1946, became
               and soul because they were fully alive to the fact that                      sole voice of the Nagas
               even the whole heart is too little a sacrifice for this noble
               cause. The hallmark of our Constitution is in design, in
                                                                                    India,  in 1960  through  a  political  agreement  between
               size, in excellence and in its provisions that are great.
                                                                                    the  representatives  of  the  Naga  Peoples  Convention
               We cannot but rejoice in the handiwork of the members
                                                                                    and the Government of India for the first time Nagaland
               of the Constituent Assembly because they have liberally
                                                                                    was recognized as the 16th State within Indian Union
               and freely borrowed the best from the Constitutions of
                                                                                    and became part of the Constitution of India. The State
               the world and fashioned it from the mass of precedents a
                                                                                    was formally inaugurated on 1st December 1963 by Dr
               document to suit India’s needs.
                                                                                    Sarvepalli  Radha  Krishnan,  the  President  of  India.  On
                  The members of the Constituent Assembly had applied
                                                                                    this auspicious occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the
               both their political foresight and wisdom in carrying out
                                                                                    adoption of the Constitution, as one of the signatories
               the stupendous task of framing the Constitution, which
                                                                                    to  the  16  Point  Agreement  of  1960  I  want  to  highlight
               is indeed memorable as they had taken care to record,
                                                                                    the  very  special  feature  of  no.  7  of  the  Sixteen  Point
               what is best for the country by the pen of inspiration and
                                                                                    Agreement which was incorporated as Article 371A of the
               had written them upon the heart of the Indian people in
                                                                                    Constitution of India. A brief background of the agreement
               a tangible form. The Constitution of India has not been
                                                                                    is stated herein. Hope and aspiration flew thick and fast
               adopted to be admired for an hour or just to celebrate
                                                                                    for the Nagas when it was evident that the British were
               and then forgotten. They are meant to be perpetual
                                                                                    preparing to leave Indian shores and hand over the reign
               signs  and instructive  tokens  to  all  coming  generations
                                                                                    of governance to the Indians. The Nagas were fiercely
               and especially they have been designed to confirm the
                                                                                    fighting  for  their  freedom  along  with  India’s  dedicated
               faith of the people on this sacred Constitution. We should
                                                                                    struggle for independence. History is witness to the fact
               remember that a silver thread of patriotism runs through
                                                                                    that  the Naga  struggle  had  already  gained  momentum
               the entire fabric of this Constitution. Let the memories of
                                                                                    much before India became free from British yoke. The
               those who brought out this constitution continue to guide
                                                                                    Naga National Council (NNC) formed at Wokha in 1946,
               the nation.
                                                                                    became sole voice of the Nagas. The struggle continued
                   Even though there was no Naga representative in the
                                                                                    well after 1947, because Nagas being simple, free spirited
               Constituent Assembly while drafting the Constitution of
                                                                                    and valiant people valued their freedom more than

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