Page 49 - Constitution
P. 49

70        Years of Indian


                                                                                         The demand for India’s Constitution
                            n the occasion  of the  adoption  of  our
                                                                                         was made by Mahatma Gandhi as
                            Constitution as well as that of India
                                                                                         early as in 1922, as an integral part
                            becoming a Republic two months later, the
               Ocity of Mumbai wore a festive look. All major                            of his demand for ‘Swaraj’ but the
               buildings were lit up. I remember, my friend Anil Divan                   British rejected it.
               and I moved from place to place; we went from Flora
               Fountain to Victoria Station. Looking at the millions of
               lights, we wondered whether these lights would dispel                 was opened to Dalits. The memory of this great event
               the darkness of poverty and ignorance from the face of                is still fresh in my mind.
               India.  The incident is indelibly etched in my memory.                   When Ambedkar was asked why he was  so
                  We were proud that we were studying at the                         passionate  about  temple  entry  of  Dalits,  he  replied,
               Government  Law  College  where  Dr  B.R.  Ambedkar,                  “The issue is not of entry, but of equality.”  It left a

               the main architect of India’s Constitution, served as the             lasting impression  on my  mind.  It  shaped  my  mind
               Principal for two years, from 1935 to 1937. I knew Dr                 and character to become a liberal and responsible
               Ambedkar closely. This great son of India was a victim                citizen, caring equally for all sections of the society.
               of the inhuman practice of untouchability. He was not                 Ambedkar’s mantra of equality is stored in my heart
               allowed to enter the temple at Pandharpur because he                  and mind.
               was a Dalit.  My father could not suffer this indignity of               The Constituent Assembly of India was formed to
               a great citizen of India. In 1936, he invited Ambedkar                draft a Constitution for the country. On December 9,

               to come and enter our family temple--Shri Thakurji                    1946, the members of the Constituent Assembly met
               Murlidhar Mandir at Thakurdwar, Mumbai.                               for the first time in the Constitution Hall, now known as
                  Accompanied by leading figures like M.R. Jayakar,                  the Central Hall in Parliament House.
               a member of the 1st Privy Council of India and of the                    The demand for India’s Constitution was made
               Constituent Assembly, NV Gadgil, a freedom fighter,                   by Mahatma Gandhi as early as in 1922, as an
               writer and politician, who later served as a Minister in              integral part of his demand for ‘Swaraj’ but the British
               the  first  Union  Cabinet  after  Independence  and  also            rejected it. On December 27, 1936, in his Presidential
               as Governor of Punjab, Anant Hari Gadre, Rambhau                      Address at the Faizpur session of the Indian National
               Mandlik,  Rambhau  Tatnis  and  about  100  Dalit                     Congress, Jawaharlal Nehru reiterated the demand for

               followers, Ambedkar entered the temple. To the best of                a Constitution for India in the following words:  “With
               my knowledge, that was the first temple in India which                the  effort  to  fight  the  Act  [Government  of  India  Act,
                                                                                     1935] and as a corollary to it, we have to stress our

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