Page 46 - Constitution
P. 46

70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                   The Apex Court ruled that if any family                          provides valid identity mentioning reason for purchase. Any
                  member or any member of the society                               purchase of acid has to be reported by the dealer to the
                  opposes such a couple or inflicts any kind                        police within a stipulated timeframe.
                  of violence on them for going into inter-                            Being a woman, my concerns are very spontaneously

                  religious or inter-caste marriage would                           aimed at women’s welfare through education, development,
                  face arrest and legal action                                      empowerment and equal opportunities.Raising voice against
                                                                                    violations  of  women’s  rights  and  safeguarding  their  rights
               and safe environment for women at their workplace on the             have been my constant refrain at any given time and at

               owners. This has benefitted large number of women working            forum. Why do I or other like-mined women have to do so
               in establishments with unconventional duty hours. This               in a country that worships Shakti? Why do atrocities happen
               again upholds the right of women not to be denied equal              when women are protected under the Constitution of India
               opportunities of employment due to safety concerns.                  which grants equal rights to all including every woman?
                  The Supreme Court judgement allowing an adult woman                   Despite States being empowered to draw up programmes
               the right to marry or live with anyone of her choice is another      in favour  of  women  to  eradicate  socio-economic
               milestone upholding women’s right to choose their partners           discrimination,  provide  equal opportunities  in  education
               was in response to the petition filed by Lata Singh who was          and employment, and a status at par with men in national
               harried and implicated in false allegations for choosing to          polity, what is hindering us on many fronts?  These profound

               marry a man of ‘low’ caste.                                          questions bother me and as a respected citizen and artist of
                   The Apex Court ruled that if any family member or any            the country, I look for and every opportunity to express my
               member of the society opposes such a couple or inflicts any          concerns and seek redressal.
               kind of violence on them for going into inter-religious or inter-         Increasing  representation  of  women  in  Parliament  I
               caste marriage would face arrest and legal action.                   believe would be the real game changer. This trend is on
                  The credit for the law banning over-the-counter-sale of acid      the rise supported by strong sentiments on ‘Equity’ which
               goes to Laxmi, an acid attack victim, who sought legal action        has resulted in strong voices of women being heard in the

               to implement stringent measures to regulate sale of acid as          parliament. Women in African countries have fought the
               well as provide adequate compensation to the tormented.              tyranny of customs and cultural practises which are biased
                  Taking exception to the rising number of acid attacks on          against them.
               women, the Supreme Court imposed strict regulations on the              Again here, women parliamentarians have played a defining
               sale of acid, making it mandatory not to be sold to anyone           role in bringing about changes through legislation. With more
               below 18 and that the dealer can sell only after the buyer           ''women parliamentarians in the House'' conventional gender

               46   70 Years of Indian Constitution
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