Page 14 - Constitution
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70 Years of Indian Years of Indian
given a remedy to seek recourse through courts. The Fundamental Duties incorporated
Essentially,the Constitution additionally gives obligations by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment
of the citizens as the Fundamental Duties. After going in Article 51 A and the duty to provide
through the Fundamental Rights, it must be observed and compulsory education to children is
realized that in return for every right, the society expects incorporated by the 86th Constitutional
the citizens to do certain things which are collectively Amendment in the year 2002
known as duties. The original Constitution enforced on
26th January, 1950 did not mention anything about the culture, to protect the environment, to develop humanism,
duties of the citizen. It was expected that the citizens of to safeguard public property and strive for excellence of
free India would perform their duties willingly. But when the nation are the Fundamental Duties incorporated by
things did not go as expected, The Fundamental Duties, the 42nd Constitutional Amendment in Article 51 A and
ten in number, were added in the year 1976 following the duty to provide compulsory education to children is
the recommendations of the Swaran Singh Committee incorporated by the 86th Constitutional Amendment in the
by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment. These Duties year 2002.
are in consonance with the mandate laid down under the In the words of Shri Ramnath Kovind, Hon'ble The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International President of India in his Constitution Day address on
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Being a significant 26.11.2019, “Rights and duties are two sides of the same
part of the structure of the Indian Constitution, these reflect coin. Our Constitution provides the fundamental right to
the ideas that form a part of the Indian heritage preached freedom of speech and expression and it also enjoins
by saints and philosophers over a period of many years. upon citizens the duty to safeguard public property and to
The primary objective behind implementation of the same abjure violence. Therefore, if someone misconstrues the
is to ensure proper behaviour by every member of the meaning of the freedom of speech and expression and is
society which would further ensure societal excellence. about to damage some public property, then another, who
However, when Fundamental Rights are justiciable, the prevents him from indulging in such an act of violence
Fundamental Duties are non-justiciable. and anarchy will be seen as a dutiful citizen. We need
To abide by the Constitution and respect the National to perform our duties and thereby create circumstances
Flag, National Anthem, to cherish the ideals which which would ensure effective protection of rights."So also
inspired the freedom struggle, to protect the sovereignty, it has been stated by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India,
unity and integrity of the nation and promote harmony, to Shri Narendra Modi in his words, “The Constitution of
defend the country to preserve the rich heritage of our India highlights both rights and duties of citizens. This
14 70 Years of Indian Constitution