Page 19 - Constitution
P. 19

70        Years of Indian


                                                                                            The concept of Fundamental duties, however,
                  The inhibition against  its deprivation  extends  to all
                  those limbs by which life is enjoyed. The uniqueness                      is not new to our country. We find references
                  of this celebrity provision has a direct correlation with                 of such duties across various ancient texts,

                  the manner in which the Hon’ble Apex Court and other                      such as the Bhagwad Gita, the Vedas. The
                  High Courts of the country, have contributed to its                       emphasis on an individual’s “kartavya” has
                                                                                            been the focal point of our tradition…
                  jurisprudence, signifying that an individual is entitled to
                  live decent life and for that purpose any act affecting
                                                                                    religious affairs, freedom from certain taxes and freedom
                  such right legal action is made maintainable.
                                                                                    from religious instructions in certain educational institutes.
               6 In Bandhua Mukti Morcha vs. Union, [(1997) 10 SCC                  The Cultural and educational Rights preserve the right of
                  549], the Hon’ble Supreme Court held that right to live           any section of citizens to conserve their culture, language
                  with human dignity enshrined in Article 21 drive its breath       or script, and right of minorities to establish and administer
                  from Directive principles of State Policies and particularly      educational institutions of their choice.
                  clause-e  & f of Articles 39, 41 and 42. In Hussainra             Fundamental Duties
                  Khatoon & Ors. V. Home Secretary, State of Bihar [AIR                Ten Fundamental Duties were added in our Constitution

                  1979 1369], the Hon’ble Apex Court has highlighted the            by way of the 42nd amendment in 1976, which inserted
                  personal liberty of the undertrial prisoners and stressed         Article  51-A,  Part-IV-A  to  our  Constitution  and  the
                  on speedy trial being fundamental right. The issue of             eleventh duty was added in 1986. These duties require
                  right to privacy as being encompassed within Article 21           all citizens to uphold the constitution, respect the National
                  has also been is positively by the Hon’ble Apex Court in          Flag and National Anthem, to value the rich heritage of
                  Justice K.S. Puttaswamy v/s. Union, [2017 (10) SCC 1].            our composite culture and many others. Various judicial

               3. Right  Against Exploitation (Articles 23-24), Right to            pronouncements have enabled us to understand the true
                  Freedom of Religion  (Articles 25-28), Cultural  and              meaning of the duties that we owe to the country and to
                  Educational  Rights (Articles 29-30)  and Right to                each other as citizens.
                  Constitutional remedies (Articles 32-35)                             The concept  of Fundamental  duties,  however,  is not
                                                                                    new  to  our  country.  We  find  references  of  such  duties

                  The right against exploitation prohibits all forms  of            across various ancient texts, such as the Bhagwad Gita,
               forced labour, child labour and trafficking of human beings.         the  Vedas.  The  emphasis  on  an  individual’s  “kartavya”
               Various labour legislations have been enacted by Central             has been the focal point of our tradition and has been
               and State Government for prohibiting the child labour and            ineradicable roots in our lives.
               to curb human trafficking. The right to freedom of religion             However, it is the reciprocity of Fundamental Rights and
               includes freedom of  conscience and free profession,                 Duties which forms the foundation of our Constitution. In
               practice, and propagation of religion, freedom to manage             N K Bajpai vs Union [(2012) 4 SCC 653] it has been held

                                                                                      70 Years of Indian Constitution                          19
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