Page 17 - Constitution
P. 17

70        Years of Indian


                                                                                            The idea behind recognizing specific
                  ndia is the largest democracy in the world: a union of 30

                  states and 7 union territories. As a country of 1.37 billion              categories of fundamental rights finds
                                                                                            its foundation in the principle that every
              Ipeople, we have made a remarkable accomplishment, all
               of us, living together with the same sets of rights and duties               individual is entitled to enjoy certain
                                                                                            rights as a human being…
               whilst belonging to different cultures, speaking different
               languages, practicing different religions, customs, habits,
               way of living etc. The role that our Constitution (the longest       recognition of identity with dignity and privacy of human
               Constitution of the world, comprising of 395 Articles, 22            beings constitute the cardinal  four corners of  our
               parts  and 12 schedules)  has played in maintaining the              monumental Constitution forming the concrete substratum
               true essence of our unity in diversity cannot be denied              of our fundamental rights…”

               and this has been imbibed in our systems ensuring the                -Navtej Singh Johar & Ors. v. Union of India [(2018)
               stability of our democracy.                                          10 SCC 1]
                  The comprehensiveness of our Constitution is reflected               The  Concept of  Fundamental Rights as enshrined in
               from its contents, from proclaiming India as a Sovereign,            our Constitution (Articles 12-32) has been inspired from
               Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic to providing the             England’s Bill Rights (1689), the United States Bill of Rights
               form  of  Governments at  Center and at  States  making              (approved on 17 September 1787, final ratification on 15
               India, a federal state. The uniqueness of our Constitution is        December 1791) and France's Declaration of the Rights

               elucidated by chapters on fundamental rights, fundamental            of Man (created during the revolution of 1789, and ratified
               duties and directive principles of State Policy. The system          on 26 August 1789). The idea behind recognizing specific
               of checks and balances, so deeply ingrained in the fabric            categories of fundamental rights finds its foundation in the
               of our Constitution, finding its manifestation in the form           principle that every individual is entitled to enjoy certain
               of “judicial review” to check legislative and administrative         rights as a human being and the enjoyment  of such
               action, is what makes our democracy successful.                      rights does not depend upon the will of any majority or
                  In my opinion,  the most outstanding  features of our             minority. As a matter of fact, our Constitution empowers
               Constitution, are the chapters on Fundamental  Rights                any individual feeling aggrieved with respect to the fact
               (Part-III)  and  Fundamental  Duties  (Part  IV-A)  and  for         that his fundamental right has been violated, to directly

               a  country, as  young as  India, the extent  of  judicial            approach  the Hon’ble  Supreme Court under Article
               jurisprudence that has evolved over it, is extraordinary.            32. The enforceability  of these rights can be claimed

               Fundamental Rights                                                   against  the  State  (as  defined  under  Article  12)  and  its
                                                                                    instrumentalities. However, there are some fundamental
               “The overarching  ideals  of individual  autonomy and                rights that can even be claimed against private actors and
               liberty, equality for  all sans discrimination  of any kind,         this shows the foresight of the draftsmen and further the

                                                                                      70 Years of Indian Constitution                          17
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