Page 123 - Constitution
P. 123
70 Years of Indian
Developing science & scientific
temper, the fundamental duties
of Indian citizens
India is celebrating the 70th Anniversary of
A 2008 World Bank Working Paper
the adoption of the Constitution of India which
argued, “The main determinant of
commenced on the Constitution Day - 26th
differences in across countries
November, 2019. The decision of the Government
are differences in economic
to celebrate the Constitution Day throughout
institutions. To solve the problem
the year culminating on 26th November, 2020
of development will entail reforming
is unprecedented. The year 2020 has a special
these institutions.” Most people
significance due to the announcement of “Atma
will agree, even market-oriented
Amitava Roy Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan” by the Prime Minister
economists. Markets don’t work in
Narendra Modi and the formulation of the National
isolation, but in a social and legal
Education Policy 2020 by Ministry of Human
context that sets the infrastructure.
Resource Development.
70 Years of Indian Constitution 123