Page 127 - General Election
P. 127

Participation of Women in National Parties (2019)
                               Candidates              Percentage                   % of votes secured
                                                                       Votes                             Over
                                                                       secured  by  Over                 votes
         Party                                                                                  total
                               Contested  Won  DF  Won         DF      Women        total                secured
                                                                       Candidates  electors              by     the
         All India Trinamool   23          9      6    39.13  26.09  10427607       1.06        1.7      41.83
         Congress (AITC)
         Bharatiya    Janata   55          41     4    74.55  7.27     29867316     1.19        4.86     13.04
         Party (BJP)
         Bahujan       Samaj
                               24          1      20  4.17     83.33  2076142       0.2         0.34     9.33
         Party (BSP)
         Communist  Party
                               4           0      4    0       100     80627        0.04        0.01     2.25
         of India (CPI)
         Communist  Party
         of  India  -  Marxist  10         0      8    0       80      1399179      0.36        0.23     13.02
         Indian     National
                               54          6      20  11.11  37.04  15038181        0.6         2.45     12.58
         Congress (INC)
         Congress      Party  1            1           100     0       686714       3.95        0.11     8.08
         TOTAL                 171         58     62  33.92  36.26  59575766        0.78        9.7      14.23

        Amongst the national parties, maximum number tickets  to  female candidates was  given by
        Bharatiya  Janata  Party  (BJP),  55,  out  of  which  41  won.  It  was  followed  by  Indian  National
        Congress (INC), which gave ticket to 54 female candidates, out of which 6 won. Bahujan Samaj
        Party  (BSP)  gave  tickets  to  24  female  candidates,  out  of  which  1  won.  All  India  Trinamool

        Congress (AITC) gave ticket to 23 female candidates, out of which 9 won. Communist Party of
        India (CPI) and Communist Party of India – Marxist (CPI-M) gave tickets to 4 and 10 female
        candidates respectively, out of which none won. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) gave ticket to

        1 female candidate, who won.

         Participation of Women in State Parties (2019)

                        Candidates                Percentage                                 % of votes secured

                                                                Votes         Votes          Over     Over   Over
                                                                secured  by  secured  by     total    total   Votes
                                                                Women         party      in   elector  valid   secure
                        Conteste    Won  DF       Won  DF       Candidates  State            s in the  votes  d   by
                        d                                                                    State    in     the
                                                                                                      the    party
                                                                                                      State  in
         Aam  Aadmi
         Party (AAP)
         Punjab         2           0      2      0      100    191725        1015773.00     0.92     1.39  18.83
         NCT OF Delhi  1            0      0      0      0      219328        1571687.00     1.53     2.53  13.95
         Total          3           0      2      0      66.6   410603        2587460.00     1.17     1.83  15.87
         All     India

   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132