Page 43 - Constitution
P. 43

70        Years of Indian


                people in general and legal fraternity in particular, not only           These activists are also demanding scrapping of the Law
                welcomed but also hailed this decision as the one which              of Contempt so that they can have free hand to malign the
                saved democracy, and in-turn the country, as otherwise by            judiciary in general and the Supreme Court in particular.
                now Parliament would have amended the same so many                   In the prevailing  situation it is not only ill advisable  but
                times and to such an extent that as on to-day we would               also dangerous to scrap law relating to contempt.  Even a
                not have had this Constitution. Popular acceptance of this           Judge known for his impeccable integrity and honesty is
                judgment by the people generally has totally eclipsed the            accused of corruption and the said accusation is sought
                criticism of the judgment on legal principles.                       to be explained by asserting that what was meant was
                                                                                     impropriety. It is ridiculous to contend that the expression

                  Even with regard  to personal  liberty  of the people  in          “corruption” and “impropriety” are synonyms.
                the country generally the decisions of the Supreme Court                 The judiciary is the last hope for the citizens and if its
                have been in favour of the citizens and against the State,           image and reputation is tarnished by unjustified criticism,
                barring few exceptions. One such exception is the majority           the same can only be described as suicidal. Evil design of
                judgment in ADM Jabalpur case the effect of which was                vested interest to browbeat and intimidate Judges for self-
                promptly nullified by legislative intervention by amending           interest must be nipped in the bud to save the prestige
                Article 359 of the Constitution.                                     and image  of the Supreme  Court. Above narration will

                   Of late, there has been some criticism of the Supreme             show that  the judiciary and in particular the Supreme
                Court complaining of its inaction in protecting the rights of        Court  has  effectively  performed  its  functions  in  fulfilling
                the citizens. The tone and tenor of the criticism has been           its constitutional obligations during the last 70 years.  It
                unduly harsh resulting in irretrievably damaging the image           has truly acted as guardian of the Constitution and it is
                and dignity of the Supreme Court.                                    reasonable to hope that it will continue to do so in future.

                                BV Acharya is senior advocate at Karnataka High Court. He was Advocate General
                                     of Karnataka government many times .He shot to prominence nationally in
                               Disproportionate Assets case against J Jayalalithaa as special counsel taking to its
                                                       logical end in spite of hardship and threat.

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