Page 126 - Constitution
P. 126
70 Years of Indian Years of Indian
Virtual courts add to
accesibility & transparency
A 2008 World Bank Working Paper
“Before the law sits a gatekeeper.
argued, “The main determinant of
To this gatekeeper comes a man
differences in across countries
from the country who asks to
are differences in economic
gain entry into the law. But the
institutions. To solve the problem
Kaleeswaram Raj
of development will entail reforming
gatekeeper says that he cannot
these institutions.” Most people
grant him entry at the moment.”
will agree, even market-oriented
(Franz Kafka, Before the Law,
economists. Markets don’t work in
Translated by Ian Johnston)
isolation, but in a social and legal
context that sets the infrastructure.
Thulasi K. Raj
126 70 Years of Indian Constitution