Page 30 - Constitution
P. 30
70 Years of Indian Years of Indian
Indian Constitution, a journey
from Fundamental Rights to Duties
India, that is Bharat, is basically “Duty” based
society. Western society is Right based society.
A 2008 World Bank Working Paper
Therefore, the social perception of life between
argued, “The main determinant of
the two societies is entirely different. However,
both intend to reach the same goal. Incidentally,
differences in across countries
while exercising the right, duty should also be
are differences in economic
kept in mind. Part III of the Indian Constitution,
Fundamental starts from Article 12 to Article 35.
institutions. To solve the problem
Nargund M.B. The most important aspects in this part would
of development will entail reforming
be equality clause, equal opportunity clause,
these institutions.” Most people
abolition of untouchability and Right to freedom,
(Article 19) Right to life and liberty (Article 21),
will agree, even market-oriented
Freedom of conscience and free profession,
economists. Markets don’t work in
practice and propagation of religion, protection
isolation, but in a social and legal
of interest of minorities and remedies for
enforcement of rights conferred by this part to
context that sets the infrastructure.
move the Supreme Court could be considered as
the Fundamental Rights.
30 70 Years of Indian Constitution