Page 25 - Constitution
P. 25
70 Years of Indian
Untouchability is not only an offence, but is also
Fundamental Rights of our fellow countrymen and must
also try our level best to follow the Fundamental Duties, forbidden under Article 17 of the Constitution of
although the same are not enforceable through Courts. India. We must respect our fellow citizens because
Thus, where the protection of the Fundamental Rights of not only it amounts to humanity, but it is the basic
a citizen is the obligation of the “State” but at the same fragrance and colour of our Constitution.
time, Fundamental Duties is the obligation of an individual
towards the State.
of India. We must respect our fellow citizens because not
To make a Country Secular, Socialist, the individuals also
only it amounts to humanity, but it is the basic fragrance
play a very important role. We cannot expect the “State”
and Colour of our Constitution. Therefore, now the time
is to take the entire responsibility on its shoulder. Unless
has come where instead of insisting upon protection of our
and until we act as per the law of the land by not violating
Fundamental Rights, we must work together for protection
the Fundamental or Statutory or Civil rights of our fellow
of Fundamental as well as all types of Statutory Rights
citizens, only then we will be able to make our Country a
of our fellow citizens and if we succeed in changing our
Sovereign, Socialist, and Secular Democratic Republic.
attitudes, then not only it will take our Country to a new
The word Justice is not confined to protection of civil/
heights and success, but it will improve our own personal
statutory rights only, but it involves Socio economic and
attitude towards humanity, our resources, and economy etc.
political justice also. Untouchability is not only an offence,
Jai Hind.
but is also forbidden under Article 17 of the Constitution
-- Justice G.S. Ahluwalia is a Judge of M.P. High Court.
70 Years of Indian Constitution 25