Page 169 - General Election
P. 169

• Standalone Machine
                   • No  radio  frequency  transmission  or  reception  possible  (No  wireless
                       communication possible)
                   • One Time Programmable (OTP) chip – the software burnt on the chip cannot

                       be rewritten/modified/erased
                   • Dynamic Coding of Key Press

                   • Real Time Clock for time and date stamping key press

               Manufactured by Premium PSUs like M/s Bharat Electronics Ltd and Electronics

               Corporations of India Ltd, the machines consist an in-house software that is fully
               vetted  by  the  Technical  Expert  Committee.  Moreover,  3-level  Physical/Process
               access  control  including  regular  frisking  at  important  junctions,  prohibition  on

               outside e-gadgets, CCTV coverage, Access Data and Process Data logging, alarm and
               alert generations help maintain a secured manufacturing.

               Furthermore, Third Party Testing by Standardization Testing & Quality Certification
               (STQC) as per standards and procedures set by TEC also helps maintain the integrity

               of the EVMs.

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