Page 86 - Constitution
P. 86

70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                  country.                                                             and youth will involve in traditional sector and will
               •  India will competent the World markets through their                 emerge as entrepreneur for carrying their legacy to
                  quality and reputation.                                              the next generations.

               •  The related producers will change their quality of life           •  The country will prosperous with more IPR products
                  with sustainable livelihood opportunity.                             including increasing in foreign revenue.
               •  After getting more livelihood opportunity, more women

                        Dr. Rajani Kant, a Padmashree awardee, is a GI expert. He has been working
                       for the last 25 years towards the upliftment of the poor and backward sections
                         of handicraft makers and artisans through his organization Human Welfare

                                                          Association (HWA) at Varanshi

               86   70 Years of Indian Constitution
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