Page 36 - Constitution
P. 36

70       Years of Indian                                                                                                                                             Years of Indian


                                                                                         The opening words of the Constitution
                               hat is this Constitution? It’s a collection
                               of words. But words like these are never                  contained in the Preamble are not just
                               just words. Words have power; words are                   words. They are words that encapsulate

               W the inspiration to action. When Lokmanya                                the idea of the India that we have
               Tilak declared “Swaraj is my birth right”, when Gandhiji                  chosen for ourselves, the unshackled
               called upon the British to “Quit India”, these were not just              India that we want
               any words. They were words that set off a chain of actions
               that on 14th August 1947 culminated in Jawaharlal Nehru                   There were representatives  from all parties
               proclaiming to the world, “At the stroke of the midnight              including the All India Women’s Conference, the Hindu
               hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to light and            Mahasabha,  the  Communist  Party  of  India  Scheduled
               freedom”. Similarly, the opening words of the constitution            Castes Federation. Congress followed Gandhiji’s advice
               contained in the Preamble are not just words. They are                and selected distinguished  persons outside the  party

               words that encapsulate the idea of the India that we have             irrespective  of  their  political  affiliations.  Out  of  the  trio
               chosen for ourselves, the unshackled India that we want.              affectionately dubbed  The Three Musketeers of the
               They are words that every Indian citizen should know by               Drafting  Committee, - Alladi  Krishnaswamy  Iyer, KM
               heart – and act to preserve, protect and defend.                      Munshi and Gopalaswamy Iyengar – only Munshi was
                  Our constitution is the product of 2 years, 11 months              a member of the Congress. The D’Artagnan  to these
               and 18 days of hard and selfless work by the Constituent              ‘Three Musketeers’, was Dr B. R. Ambedkar, a self-
               Assembly. Not a single word of that constitution was                  proclaimed “lifelong opponent of the Congress Party”. It

               written lightly. It was the product of expertise, deep                was the spirit of collaboration among people like these,
               thought, collaboration and spirited debate and discussion.            who found ways to work together for a common vision,
                  To paraphrase John F Kennedy’s remarks at a White                  that  produced the  Indian Constitution. It’s  a  spirit we
               House dinner honouring Nobel laureates, our Constituent               would do well to cherish and emulate.
               Assembly was probably the most extraordinary collection                   The other interesting thing about the luminaries  of
               of talent, of human  knowledge  that has ever been                    the Constituent Assembly is their outward looking spirit.
               gathered together in India. The working of this Constituent           Almost all of these men were giants in their own field.
               Assembly is a shining example of the spirit that pervaded             Indeed, after meeting Sir Benegal Rau who was on the
               the birth of our nation. Seats in the Constituent Assembly            Core Committee that drafted the Constitution,  Justice

               were filled on the basis of expertise and diversity rather            Felix Frankfurter of the USA was so impressed with
               than party affiliations.                                              his abilities that he said he would have no hesitation in

               36   70 Years of Indian Constitution
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